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Your quick guide to help navigate the world of infertility and all the bumps (or lack of bumps) along the way. Because when someone you love is having trouble getting pregnant, it can be tough to know how to help. You may offer advice, tell them to relax or ignore it's happening altogether. Good plan, right?! Not exactly - though you have the best intentions at heart you could be doing more harm than good.


About Meg

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“Both my grandmothers had kids in their 40’s so I have nothing to worry about!” This was the assumption Meg Keys carried on her journey to find love in her 20’s and 30’s. As the years ticked by, she clung to the blind faith of her family’s “baby making” genes and the false reassurance perpetuated by celebrity baby culture. Following her 2015 nuptials, it was finally her turn… or so she thought. When she found herself crying in the Gynecologist’s office, she knew she wasn’t in Kansas anymore. While that’s where her infertility story officially began, it’s certainly not where it ends. She went on to have a son in 2016 and thought she had it all figured out. But she didn’t. Her secondary Infertility journey continues to this day. 

Meg holds a degree in Communications from Michigan State University. She is a freelance writer in Metro Detroit where she lives with her husband, son and furry friends.


“I wish I had this information earlier! Meg’s insight into what NOT to say are extremely helpful, because it’s all the things that immediately pop into our mind to say. Yikes!”

H. S. Ferndale, MI

"Oh no... guilty as charged! I realize now that the best intentions to help ease my friend's pain actually probably made her feel worse. I love that this book offers tips on what TO do, because watching as a friend goes through infertility can be a helpless feeling."

J.P Milford, MI

"The Waiting Line is relatable, easy to read, at times funny and an eye opening way to support anyone struggling with infertility."

L.B. Rockford, MI

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